本书是Frederick Luis Aldama和Patrick Colm Hogan在2010—2012年间,对认知科学在文化研究(尤其是文学研究)中的地位和作用所展开的对话的辑录。作者Frederick Luis Aldama(下略为FLA)是美国俄亥俄州立大学英语艺术和人文学科杰出教授,著名的认知文化和认知文学研究专家,涉猎广泛,主要研究拉美文化、文学、电影、音乐等,独著、合著的著作达30余种,获得过拉美图书奖、艾斯纳奖等多个奖项。Patrick Colm Hogan(下略为PCH)也是认知文学研究领域多产作家之一,现为美国康涅狄格大学英语系教授,主攻文学理论、世界文学和文学的认知及情感研究。两位作者将文学、语言美学这三个目的不同、内容各异而又自成体系、自成范式的话题置于‘认知文化研究”这一大框架之下,具有强烈的跨学科意识和探索精神,在打破学科壁垒、实现学科深度联姻这一层面上具有积极意义。
In Conversations on Cognitive Cultural Studies: Literature, Language, and Aesthetics, Frederick Luis Aldama and Patrick Colm Hogan, two of the most prominent experts on the intersection of mind, brain, and culture, engage each other in a lively dialogue that sets out the foundations of a cognitive neuroscientific approach to literature. With clarity and learning, the authors consider five central topics at the intersection of literature and cognitive science. They begin with the fundamental question of the nature of the self. From here, they turn to language, communication, and thought before moving on to the central issue of the structure and operation of narrative. The book concludes with thought-provoking explorations of aesthetics and politics.
1 Puzzling Out the Self
2 Verbal Art and Language Science
3 On Matters of Narrative Fiction
4 A Scientific Approach to Aesthetics
5 Situating History, Culture, Politics, and Ethics in Literary Studies
Works Cited and Suggestions for Further Reading