近年来,语言学研究发展迅猛,新成果不断涌现。鉴于此,上海外语教育出版社邀请语言学界知名专家从约翰·本杰明斯出版公司(John Benjamins Publishing Company)等国际著名出版社推出的多种语言学期刊中精选最具代表性或前沿意义的优秀论文,按主题编为不同分册,并撰写中文导读,组成“语言学国际学术期刊论文选”丛书,以帮助读者了解语言学领域最新成果和发展动态,促进语言学研究的发展。
本书从国际知名对比语言学刊物《语言对比》(Languages in Contrast)中精选了若干有代表性的文章汇编成集,按其研究性质分为“理论与方法”“汉外对比”“外外对比”“书评”四个部分,涵盖词汇、句法、语义、语篇、语用、文化对比等各个领域,从不同角度展示了对比语言学的最新研究动态和未来发展趋势,旨在及时向我国读者介绍语言对比和翻译的各项研究成果,进一步促进对比语言学的学科建设和学术交流。
Contrastive Linguistics and Language Comparison
From Contrastive Linguistics to Linguistic Typology
Weaving the Web of Meaning
Progressives in Typological Perspective
Challenges in Contrast: Function-F-to- Approach
Prefixes in Contrast: Towards a Meaning-Based Contrastive Methodology for Lexical Morphology
Using Multi-Dimensional Analysis to Explore Cross-Linguistic Universals of Register Variation
Passive Constructions in English and Chinese: A Corpus-Based Contrastive Study
Communication Verbs in Chinese and English: A Contrastive Analysis
"There Are Many Ways to Translate W": Existential Constructions in English-Chinese Translation
Word Clusters and Reformulation Markers in Chinese and English: Implications for Translation Universal Hypotheses
Author Manifestation and Perceptions of Self in Chinese Academic Discourse: Comparisons with English
Mapping Meaning onto Form: A Corpus-Based Contrastive Study of Nominal Modification in English and Spanish
A Contrastive Study of Proverbalization
The Analysis of Meaning Between Language and Culture in the Tourism Domain
A Lexical Bundle Approach to Comparing Languages: Stems in English and French
Review (I)