近年来,语言学研究发展迅猛,新成果不断涌现。鉴于此,上海外语教育出版社邀请语言学界知名专家从约翰·本杰明斯出版公司(John Benjamins Publishing Company)等国际著名出版社推出的多种语言学期刊中精选最具代表性或前沿意义的优秀论文,按主题编为不同分册,并撰写中文导读,组成“语言学国际学术期刊论文选”丛书,以帮助读者了解语言学领域最新成果和发展动态,促进语言学研究的发展。
《语用与认知》(Pragmatics& Cognition)是具有重要国际影响力的跨学科期刊,主要刊发包括语言学、符号学、认知科学、神经科学、人工智能等多个学科领域在内的优秀论文,旨在探究人类、动物和机器的符号系统之间的关系,及其与心理活动的联系。本书从中精选24篇文章,既有对语用与认知领域的理论和基本概念的探讨,如言语行为理论、会话含义理论等,也有应用研究,涉及语篇理解、修辞格、话语分析、跨文化比较、非语言交际等内容。本书兼顾理论与实践,前后衔接得当,可以帮助读者对语用学以及语用与认知相结合的研究有更深入的理解。
Communicative signs meaning naturally
Grice in the wake of Peirce
Illocutionary rules
Language: Between cognition communication and culture
The principle of relevance in the light of cooperation and trust: Discussing Sperber and Wilson's theory
The syntax-pragmatics merger: Belief reports in the theory of Default Semantics
Activating, seeking, and creating common ground: A socio- cognitive approach
Reading between the lines: The activation of background knowledge during text comprehension
Subsentential utterances, ellipsis, and pragmatic enrichment
The problem of fragments: Two interpretative strategies
Using conversation policies to solve problems of ambiguity in argumentation and artificial intelligence
Overhearing a sentence: Recanati and the cognitive view of language
On verbal irony, meta-linguistic knowledge and echoic interpretation
Prosodic and multimodal markers of humor in conversation
Tautology as presumptive meaning
WATER metaphors and metonymies in Chinese: A semantic network
Why irony sometimes comes to mind Paradoxical effects of thought suppression
Parallelism in conversation: Resonance schematization, and extension from the perspective of dialogic syntax and cognitive linguistics
Procedural pragmatics and the study of discourse
Pragmatics and Critical Discourse Analysis: A cross-disciplinary inquiry
Anglo English and Singapore English tags: Their meanings and cultural significance
The Persian cultural schema of shekasteh-nafsi: A study of compliment responses in Persian and Anglo-Australian speakers
Turning speaker meaning on its head: Non-verbal communication and intended meanings
Towards interactive robots in autism therapy: Background motivation and challenges