Unit 1 Fine Arts and Music
Reading A Leonardos Horse
Reading B A Van Goghs Trip from the Attic tothe Museum
Reading C The Man Who Heard His PaintboxHiss
Unit 2 Mythology
Reading A Introduction to Mythology
Reading B Abraham and the Chosen People
Reading C Introduction of the Myths of Greece and Rome
Unit 3 Poetry, Drama and Fiction
Reading A Feeling into Words
Reading B An Ideal Husband (Excerpt)
Reading C The Romance of a Busy Broker
Unit 4 Architecture and National Character
Reading A The United States Capitol Building
Reading B The Colosseum: Emblem of Rome
Reading C The Early Church: Towards Gothic Splendour
Unit 5 Work Ethics
Reading A Why Developing a Good Work Ethic Is Essential to Career Success
Reading B WorkEthic
Reading C Eye on Ethics
Unit 6 Ritual and Etiquette
Reading A Table Manners
Reading B How Ramadan Works
Reading C Egyptian Burial
Unit 7 Animal Rights
Reading A AnimalFarm
Reading B Animal Cruelty Must Stop
Reading C A Change of Heart about Animals
Unit 8 Environment and Ecology
Reading A Ten of Todays Most Important Environmental Issues
Reading B Environment: Endless Summer
Reading C Beyond Rio: Pursuing “Ecological Citizenship”
Unit 9 The Rise and Fall of Greco-Roman Civilization
Reading A 8 Innovations That Built Ancient Rome
Reading B Greece: Birthplace of the Modern World?
Reading C The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Unit 10 Renaissance
Reading A Renaissance Entertainment
Reading B Elizabethan Playhouses
Reading C Michelangelos David—— A Symbol of the Renaissance
Unit 11 The Industrial Revolution and the Advent of the Information Age
Reading A Steam Power during the Industrial Revolution
Reading B The New Information Age
Reading C Hard Times—— Chapter II
Unit 12 Two World Wars
Reading A From D-Day to VE Day
Reading B First Word War—— US Participation
Reading C Life of Churchill
Unit 13 Education
Reading A How to Become a Lifelong Learner
Reading B MOOC Creators Criticise Courses Lack of Creativity
Reading C Why a LiberalEducation Creates Great Entrepreneurs
Unit 14 Marxism
Reading A Speech at the Grave of Karl Marx
Reading B Is Marxism Relevant in the Third World?
Reading C How the “Marxists”Buried Marx
Unit 15 Hellenism and Hebraism
Reading A Hebraism and Hellenism
Reading B Reconciling Hellenism and Hebraism in Nineteenth Century Europe
Reading C On Hellenism and Hebraism
Unit 16 The Enlightenment Thinkers
Reading A The Enlightenment
Reading B Early Modern Europe and Enlightened Thinkers
Reading C Modernity in Fugue and a Fugue of Modernities