‘牛津社会语言学丛书”由国际社会语言学研究的两位领军人物英国卡迪夫大学语言与交际研究中心的教授 Nicolas Coupland和Adam Jaworski(现在中国香港大学英语学院任教)——担任主编。丛书自2004年由牛津大学出版社陆续出版以来,推出了一系列社会语言学研究的专著,可以说是汇集了这一学科研究的最新成果,代表了当今国际社会语言学研究的最高水平。
Linguistic variation has been studied primarily in communities with the dominant social organization of our time: ethnic diversity, socioeconomic stratification, and a population size that precludes community-wide face-to-face interaction. In such communities variation correlates with ethnicity and class. Investigating Variation explores a different kind of social structure: small size, dense kinship ties, common occupation, and absence of social stratification. In the community investigated here, social homogeneity and constant face-to-face interaction made accommodation unnecessary, and extremely weak extra-community norming for the local minority language permitted a very high level of individual variation.
Nancy C. Dorians examination of the fisherfolk Gaelic spoken in a Highland Scottish village offers a number of explanations for delayed recognition of a linguistic variation unrelated to social class or other social subgroupings. Reports of similar variation phenomena in locations with similar features (contemporary minority-language pockets in Ireland, Russia, Norway, Canada, and Cameroon) make it possible to identify a particular set of factors that contribute to the emergence and persistence of socially neutral inter-speaker and intra-speaker variation. Facets of language use related to social structure remain to be investigated in communities with still other forms of social organization before the few communities that represent them disappear altogether.
Nancy C. Dorian is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics in German and Anthropology at Bryn Mawr College.
Phonetic/Phonological Values of Symbols Appearing
in the Text, xxi
1 The Variation Puzzle, 3
1 Linguistic Variation without Social Weighting
2 High Levels of Socially Neutral Linguistic Variation
in Three Socioeconomically Undifferentiated
Minority-Language Enclaves
3 Exposure to Standard-Language or Mainstream Norms
and Deviations from Those Norms in English
and in Gaelic
3.1 English and Its Dialect Forms
3.2 Vernacular Gaelic and Formal Gaelic
3.3 Local Speech Features in the East Sutherland Fisherfolk Context
4 Initial Encounters with Variability
4.1 Encountering the Language
4.2 Encountering Intra-Community Variation
4.3 Age-Related Variation
4.3.1 Establishing an Age-and-Proficiency Continuum
5 Inter-Speaker and Intra-Speaker Variation
in the Gaelic-Speaking Communities